Teachers and care providers at Little Kids Academy take great pride in knowing and understanding how children develop.
We create an environment where children are intentionally stimulated to achieve success and can experience things such as exploration, interactive free play, and caregiving.
We provide high child-to-adult ratios to provide as much individual attention to the children as possible.
We invest quality time and promote the opportunity to bond by spending an abundance of time together.
This particular bonding will continue to flourish and develop until they graduate from LKA.
1) Attachment
2) Perception
3) Motor Skills
4) Cognition
5) Language
6) Emotions
7) Social Skills
Attachment involves a closeness and a responsiveness to a toddler. This is a special two-way relationship between child and adult. This attachment influences their brain development tremendously and we cannot emphasize how important it is for children in this age to build such a bond with their care providers.
Infants are immediately involved in a process of gathering information from their environment and using it or applying it. Perception is the ability to take in and organize this sensory information. They collect information primarily from their 5 senses. Hear, smell, taste, touch and sight. As the brain matures, there is a constant interchange of action and reaction. At LKA, we promote their perception mainly through sensory integration, multi sensory experiences, and the outdoor experiences. Children will explore and experience various smells, will be encouraged to partake in hands-on activities and have access to a variety of natural (safe) resources and materials.
Research on brain development suggests that creating “ FREE” movement and the growth of motor skills are important to their brain development. As infants repeat and practice simple movement, such as turning their head, they are developing important synaptic linkages. By the age of two, their head is one-fifth of their body length, while their legs are about half of their body length. To support this rapid growth, LKA is committed to providing an environment that is interesting and inviting for children, freeing, and encourages activity, engagement and moving freely!
Cognitive experience is a process of gathering information, organizing it, and using it to adapt to the world. Infants gather essential information through experiences, such as simple acts like mouthing, grasping and reading. Toddler stages of cognition would include pretend play, early stages of problem solving, increased attention span and matching and sorting of shapes, colors and pictures. At LKA, we provide various materials and curriculums to promote their cognitive experiences.
Language is a systematic arrangement of arbitrary symbols that has generalized meaning. The sounds, symbols, and interactions that we begin to experience early in life are third to the way We think about and understand the world. Infants are born with intent to communicate, however, they aren’t born with a language. Toddlers on the other hand most often between the ages 2-3 will have already developed a vocabulary of phrases and sentences using anywhere from 200-1,000 words. This also includes stating their name.We are taking two strategies to promote their language development at LKA.
Infants can learn two or more languages from day one. By the time they are toddlers, they can be very skilled at switching back and forth between languages and different people. Bilingualism is a skill to be nurtured. We take advantage of these excellent opportunities. Japanese staff in LKA will speak to children in Japanese and teach them Japanese cultures.
Infants’ emotions are related to immediate experiences and sensations in the first weeks of life. Their emotional responses are not very refined. As they mature, the stirred up emotions begin to develop and differentiate.
Little Kids Academy’s Infant program focuses on meeting each family an child’s individual needs in a caring and trusting learning environment. We encourage parents to visit with their child in our classrooms so that we can form a trusting bond with both the child and parent. This also helps us develop an understanding of each child’s at-home habits and routines before they start so we can provide a smooth transition from home to school. Our teachers understand that each child and family is unique, which is why we take the time to get to know your infant before they even start in our classrooms. We do work with the child to adapt to a routine or schedule that is based on the daily routines. Our teachers understands that each child is unique each child may adapt at different moments due to their own eating, napping, and active schedules.
We provide a play-based curriculum for all infants which will meet their individual developmental needs using themed experiences that extend (on average) through two weeks. The classroom activities are planned in accordance with individual learning goals defined for each child.
While interacting with the children in their care, our teachers are constantly making observations of the infant’s skills and development to intentionally plan for their individualized developmental needs. Teachers plan social and emotional games and experiences to help the children develop a sense of self, form bonds with their teachers, mirror expressions of others, and take interest in being around their peers. In addition, the children have outdoor experiences each day, weather permitting.
Within our Infant program, our teachers help and encourage the children to develop their physical skills, such as holding their heads up and following sounds and movement. The older infants interact with their teachers in ways that encourage them to sit up, roll over, crawl, pull up, and walk. We provide art and sensory experiences, too. Our Infant program encourages language development by immersing children in a language rich environment and by actively communicating with them throughout the day, including during play, during outdoor experiences, and during routine tasks such as diaper changes and bottle feedings.
Our Infant program encourages language development by immersing children in a language rich environment and by actively communicating with them throughout the day, including during play, during outdoor experiences, and during routine tasks such as diaper changes and bottle feedings.
Some benefits include:
Enabling infants to express their wants, needs, and emotions
Reducing their frustrations
Increasing their self-esteem
Increasing the bond with their parents and caregivers
Increasing fine and gross motor skills abilities
Helping them to remember words because there is muscle memory involved, and the more senses involved in learning, the greater the memory retention the child will have
Accelerating the development of verbal communication
Enrichment programs including field trips twice a year, music and dance, yoga, zumbini
We work in partnership with our families so that children can effectively communicate with both their teachers and family members.
Little kids Academy Toddler program is designed to meet the developmental needs of active younger toddlers as they transition through stages in their development that include increased mobility, the beginnings of more regulated sleeping and eating patterns, the beginnings of developing social and emotional skills and the start of exploration of the world around them. The children’s’ day is filled with hands-on learning experiences, music and movement activities, and opportunities to independently explore the different learning centers within their classroom.
For younger toddlers, exploration of the world around them is a natural developmental stage. We build the curriculum around this innate sense of curiosity while focusing on appropriate social, cognitive, physical, and language development.
Our Toddler Classrooms
At this age, children are becoming more curious about their environment. To support this, children are free to explore in a classroom that stimulates natural learning. The different learning centers in our Toddler classrooms include:
Dramatic play center
Block area
Table toy area which includes shelves filled with puzzles and manipulative that focus on small motor movements
Art area
Cozy area
Circle time
Science and math area (STEM area)
Enrichment programs including field trips twice a year, music and dance, yoga, zumbini
The toys and props regularly change in each of these areas to promote our current curriculum study. We have large carpeted areas for group time, music, and movement experiences. We also read favorite books and sing songs each day during a short group time. Children are encouraged, but not forced to participate in group time activities.
Toddler Curriculum
Areas of Focus:
1) Attachment
2) Perception
3) Motor Skills
4) Cognition
5) Language
6) Emotions
7) Social Skills
Toddler children will of course have much less success in a preschool-like setting. They need an environment where they can seek security. They learn by exploring the toys and materials that no one ever intended. They even bang puzzle pieces or draw on themselves.
Potty Training
Another focus in our toddler program is toilet training. Teachers encourage children to sit and attempt to use the toilet during regular diaper changing times. We recognize that each child participates in and completes the toilet training process at different paces and ages so a child will never be forced to sit on the toilet. All attempts and successes at using the toilet are reported through our daily reporting app or to families in person allowing families to keep track of their child’s progress.
Little Kids Academy’s preschool program provides a variety of learning experiences based on our current theme of study, with focused on project based learning approach. This learning approach is geared toward the developmental milestones and curiosities of younger preschoolers. Throughout your preschooler’s day, they will receive two nutritious snacks and our teachers supervise and assist our students with setting up there personalized lunches provided by their families. Our teachers sit down at the table with our students; encourage good table manners and polite table conversations.
Preschool Curriculum
In preschool, we follow the principle of “ the Project Based Learning Approach (PBL)”.
Typically we pick one topic and weave in all 7 domains; 1) Attachment ,2) Perception,
3) Motor Skills, 4) Cognition, 5) Language, 6) Emotions, 7) Social Skills.
An example of PBL for preschoolers could be discussing snowmen and then asking a guiding question, such as “How do we make a snowman? The teachers read children’s books, sing
songs, and then introduce a few trial-and-error activities with the learners.
Key Elements of PBL*
● challenging problem or question.
● sustained inquiry.
● authenticity.
● application of learning.
● integration.
● student voice and choice.
● A public product for an authentic audience.
● feedback loops of critique, reflection and refining of the product – including formative andsummative assessment.
*We modify the elements above to suit Preschool children’s needs
(3 to 15 months)
September 2024 ~August 2025
$150 registration fee (non-refundable)
Extended Day Program
5 Days a week: $2,838/month
4 Days a week: $2,590/month
3 Days a week: $2,325/month
Day Program (8:00am-3:00pm)
5 Days a week: $2,511/month
4 Days a week: $2,092/month
3 Days a week: $1,858/month
Extended Hour Avail
(3 to 15 months)
September 2024 ~August 2025
$150 registration fee (non-refundable)
Extended Day Program
5 Days a week: $2,838/month
4 Days a week: $2,590/month
3 Days a week: $2,325/month
Day Program (8:00am-3:00pm)
5 Days a week: $2,511/month
4 Days a week: $2,092/month
3 Days a week: $1,858/month
Extended Hour Available
3:00pm~5:30pm for $20 per hour
*Our staff schedules their evening/family activities around our scheduled closing time.
*The fee includes drinks and parents to supply snack and lunch.
If you are running late, please call and notify us as soon as possible. You will be charged $1.00 per minute.
(15 to 36 months)
2024 September ~ 2025 August
$250 annual material fee (non-refundable)
Extended Day Program
5 Days a week: $2,716/month
4 Days a week: $2,399/month
3 Days a week: $2,153/month
2 Days a week: $1,609/month
Day Program (8:00am-3:00pm)
5 Days a week: $2,367/month
4 Days a week: $1,937/month
3 Days a week:
(15 to 36 months)
2024 September ~ 2025 August
$250 annual material fee (non-refundable)
Extended Day Program
5 Days a week: $2,716/month
4 Days a week: $2,399/month
3 Days a week: $2,153/month
2 Days a week: $1,609/month
Day Program (8:00am-3:00pm)
5 Days a week: $2,367/month
4 Days a week: $1,937/month
3 Days a week: $1,721/month
2 Days a week: $1,220/month
Extended Hour Available
3:00pm~5:30pm for $20 per hour
*Our staff schedules their evening/family activities around our scheduled closing time.
*The fee includes drinks and parents to supply snack and lunch.
If you are running late, please call and notify us as soon as possible. You will be charged $1.00 per minute for each minute thereafter.
(2.9 to 5 years old)
2024 September ~ 2025 August
$150 annual registration fee (non-refundable)
$100 material fee
(once a year or every September)
Extended Day Program
(8:00 am-5:30 pm)
5 Days per week: $2,424/month
4 Days per week: $2,115/month
3 Days per week: $1,825/month
2 Days per week: $1,390/month
Day Program (8:00am-3:00pm)
(2.9 to 5 years old)
2024 September ~ 2025 August
$150 annual registration fee (non-refundable)
$100 material fee
(once a year or every September)
Extended Day Program
(8:00 am-5:30 pm)
5 Days per week: $2,424/month
4 Days per week: $2,115/month
3 Days per week: $1,825/month
2 Days per week: $1,390/month
Day Program (8:00am-3:00pm)
5 Days per week: $2,024/month
4 Days per week: $1,815/month
3 Days per week: $1,531/month
2 Days per week: $1,108/month
Extra Hours Available
3:00-5:30 for $20 per hour
*Morning snack and drink are included in the tuition. Parents to supply lunch.
*Our staff schedules their evening/family activities around our scheduled closing time.
If you are running late, please call and notify us as soon as possible. You will be charged $1.00 per minute for each minute thereafter.
Available for $15 (preschool) $17 (Toddler)
*Extended care fee is based on 1-hour increments. Please let us know by noontime on the day of that you would like to sign up. *The fee includes a morning snack, afternoon snack, and drinks. Parents must supply lunch.
Our staff schedules their evening/family activities around our scheduled closing time. If you are running late, please call and notify us as soon as possible. There is a grace period of 5 minutes after closing time. After 5 minutes you will be charged $1.00 per minute for each minute after that.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington, Massachusetts 02476, United States
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Address: 887-889 Mass. Ave. Arlington, MA 02476
Phone: (617) 913-3849
Email: shiota@littlekidsacademy.org
Copyright © 2025 Little Kids Academy - All Rights